Today, after more than 10 (!) years, I updated It was long overdue, but I was just too fond of the original design.
The original site, or VIRVIE vintage, is still available (just follow the link), because I think it's important to also preserve our digital heritage.
It also marks the end of VIRVIE's ventures in the Web and App space. One of these ventures was the creation of PeRSoN.NeL. It started out as a web based URL shortener, which allowed to at mini artworks to your links. It then evolved into an Augmented Reality App which allowed a user to show these same artworks, and now even in 3D, on there location in reality.
The evolution of PeRSoN.NeL
After this the App pivoted into diary App, which is still available from PRSN.NL, but no longer maintained.